Electricians Clearwater » Blog » How To Fix a Buzzing Electrical Outlet

How To Fix a Buzzing Electrical Outlet

An Electrician Tech working on a buzzing outlet in a kitchenIf you hear a buzzing noise coming from your electrical outlet, there are a few common issues that could be to blame. Depending on the cause, the underlying problem may increase your risk of experiencing an electrocution or a house fire. Because of this, it’s important to seek out professional help from Mister Sparky if you hear a faint buzzing noise coming from one of your electrical outlets.

What Causes a Buzzing Noise Near Your Electrical Outlets?

Your first goal should be to narrow down the cause of the buzzing noise. While some of these causes aren’t immediately dangerous, they can lead to additional repair problems if they aren’t handled right away.

Start by going from room to room. Listen for the buzzing noise to see if it is in one or multiple outlets. When you find an affected outlet, put your hand on the wall. Notice if the wall feels warm. Note anything unusual, such as sparks. You can also try turning off your devices one by one to see if a specific device could be the problem. Additionally, you can use the circuits on your electrical panel to narrow down which outlet is responsible for the noise.

Buzzing noises aren’t normal. If you hear a buzzing sound, one of the following issues may be to blame.

There Is a Poor Connection

Sometimes, an electrical wire in your home will become loose. This is especially common in older homes or homes that have aluminum wiring. Once a wire becomes loose, it will start to vibrate. Because loose wires can lead to other problems, it’s important to get this issue checked out by a professional electrician from Mister Sparky.

The Seasons Are Changing

Changing weather can impact electrical components in your home. As the temperature changes, these components can expand and contract. Eventually, this expansion and contraction can cause some of the connections to come apart. When this happens, you may hear crackling or buzzing noises. If this is a frequent problem for your home, you may want to replace your existing components with more temperature-resistant options.

The Wiring Is Faulty

If your home is wired incorrectly, you may hear a buzzing noise. You are more likely to notice this noise when you have multiple devices plugged into the outl.

Sometimes, the electrical outlet has reverse polarity. This means the neutral and hot wires are switched inside the outlet, which can lead to a fire or electrical shock.

You Have a Faulty Breaker

Sometimes, the buzzing noise is coming from your circuit breaker instead of your outlets. When the circuit breaker makes a buzzing noise, it may be due to being overloaded. You may need to disconnect some devices. However, disconnecting devices is only a short-term fix. If your breaker is struggling to handle the amount of power your devices require, it may need to be replaced.

Additionally, malfunctioning breakers can occur if the breaker is faulty. It’s important to replace faulty breakers because the breaker is your main line of defense against fires. If a circuit breaker doesn’t trip when it is supposed to, the overheated wires could cause an electrical fire.

There Is a Broken Outlet

It is also possible the buzzing noise is caused by something as simple as a faulty outlet. Normally, the contact blades hold plugs in the proper place. When these blades become damaged, they can’t stay in contact with the plug properly. In turn, this can cause a buzzing noise to happen. The only way to fix this problem is to have an electrician replace the faulty outlet.

Get Professional Help Diagnosing Repair Issues

Like the rest of your house, your electrical system needs to be maintained on a regular basis. If you notice buzzing noises and other symptoms, you should schedule a routine maintenance check. One of our electricians can diagnose the underlying problem and recommend the best solution for your home.